What is an ‘event’ in GA4?
This is where Google Analytics 4 gets a bit confusing. Because everything is an event!
In Universal Analytics:
Events are interactions you want to track, in addition to page views. Things like PDF clicks. Email clicks. Scrolls, Video plays etc… Events needed to be tagged in addition to the standard page view tag.
In Google Analytics 4:
An event is any distinct action occurring at a distinct time associated with a user in your app or on your website. Every hit sent is an event. The following are examples of events in Google Analytics 4:
* Page views – a hit for every page view, the same as Universal Analytics (event name = page_view)
* Scrolls – a hit for the first time 90% vertical depth becomes visible on the page (event name = scroll)
* Outbound link clicks – a hit for each time a user clicks a link that leads away from the current domain (event name = click)